Saturday, October 19, 2013

DeLonghi TCH7690ER Safeheat 1500W 28 In. Tower Ceramic Heater with Remote Control and Eco Energy Setting - Black

Rated best ceramic heater by Hammacher Schlemmer
I bought this space heater after searching for something to quickly heat up my bedroom in the winter, so I wasnt running the whole house heater all evening. I have had this for 5 months now and it has worked flawlessly! The remote is super handy as well. From the remote you can turn the power on, turn swivel off and on, increase the temp setting, and change the mode. Thats the other great thing - it has a mode that just blows air like a fan, a low heat setting and a high heat setting. It also has an eco setting, but Im not quite sure what that does. The ONLY drawback Id say for this, is that you cant sent the timer from the remote. You have to set the timer on the unit itself. The timer is great too, you can set it for 30 minute increments, up to several hours. Ive never tested it, but it also has a tip feature that shuts the machine down if it falls over. Sorry to disagree with the other reviews, but this heater has been great for me!

50/50 chance of working
I bought 2 of these. One quit working after 3 months. The other one is still going strong. So, overall, taking the average, I'd give 2.5 stars. The still working unit is great.

This might help you to fix your problem
When it works, it works well. However I have had a great deal of problem with the unit shutting down almost immediately upon turning it on.

After much aggravation it dawned on me that the blower fan was not spinning. I took the unit to my workshop, removed the screws from the rear of the unit, applied WD-40 to each bearing, plugged the unit in and gave the fan a little push to get it going. After a few seconds I turned the unit off and back on - no fan action. I got the fan going again and let it run for a few minutes, turned it off and back on again. This time it started up fine.

I reassembled the unit, returned it to the house, plugged it in and it is working fine. All this was done just minutes ago so I do not know if the unit will keep on working properly.

I wanted to put this information out on the WWW to let others know that, if they have the same problem, this may be a solution.

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