Thursday, October 10, 2013

Dryer Vent Tite Fit, 90 Degree 18" to 30"

Good product, but you might need to modify
We've had issues with our dryer creeping forward and preventing our door from closing. The cheap flex-hose was a bit crushed as well, so I suspected that airflow was being blocked. So I decided to replace the hose with one of these.

One end of this vent pushes right onto the dryer's vent receptacle, and the other end is slightly tapered and pushes into your wall vent hole, or else another flexible hose. You can slide this apart and reverse it so that both ports are on one side, or use it "periscope" style.

In order for this to work, I had to do the following:

1) My existing wall receptacle stuck out too far, and was too tight in diameter for this vent to fit deeply. I had trim it so it didn't stick out from the wall as far, and cut eight slots to allow it taper a bit, and then wrap it with foil tape. After this, the vent pushed in nicely.
2) The part of this vent that pushes into the dryer was also too long, so I used a reciprocating saw...

Miracle cure............

Salesperson for our dryer sold us a unit that is too big based on the measurements I gave her.

Delivery/installers shoved the dryer up against the wall, crushing the flex ducting [which has to travel along the back of the dryer to the right - turn 90 degrees towards the front of the dryer - then turn another 90 degrees towards the wall again to reach the dryer duct] and said, "Well, you have 3 of the 4 inches the flex ducting is supposed to give you" and left. A sliding door hides the washer and dryer, so the dryer had to be shoved back to allow the doors to close. I needed another 1 1/2 or 2 inches. Having just experienced a dryer vent fire (the reason for the new dryer!)I am not prepared to do anything less than optimal for venting this dryer. I called the applicance store, they were less than immediately helpful, and it sounded like they were gearing for a denial of repsonsibilty and banging me with a restocking fee.

In an attempt to...

Thin and save space.
I needed to put my dryer closer to the wall, and this is the thinnest vent I found. It work great.

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