Not brand name as advertised
These bags are OK. But they are not as advertised. The page about these bags on Amazon says they are "Sharp EC10PU" but in fact the bags I received from B&M Housewares after ordering from this Amazon page, were a brand I never heard of called "Micro Lined" and the bag says they are "designed to fit Sharp models using bag type PU-2." So a more honest listing for this item should say they are generic or should state their true brand, or should say they are designed to fit Sharp. It should not misleadingly say they are Sharp bags.
replacement bags for sharp 12amp twin energy
I purchased these bags for an older sharp, model twin energy 12 amp.
I couldnt find the proper bags in any stores, so i went online.
It turns out these bags fit, you kinda need to force them on at first, (the bag opening is snug against the vaccuum opening.) But they otherwise are a great match for this model.
I haven't tried the bags yet but these are not Sharp EC10PU2 bags... they are aftermarket replacements.
May be great bags but this is false advertising.
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